4 Yoga Poses for PMS & Cramps cramps menstrual cramps pms Oct 03, 2024

Sometimes menstrual cramps & PMS can simply be relieved by opening those hips, babe

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What is healthy menstruation? 🌹 Why is it so taboo? ❣️ cramps dysmenorrhea endocrine system endometriosis feminine heal your period healthy menstruation taboo Sep 24, 2024

In this video, I share the history of menstruation, the phases we go through as women, what heals painful periods and what you should expect if your period is healthy. It's important to understand...

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Is Your Uterus Displaced? cramps displaced uterus heal your period holistic health kundalini yoga period pain pms Jul 18, 2023

Sometimes the uterus is displaced and blocks the flow of apana vayu, downward movement. This causes pain in the womb, cramps and painful periods. When we spend time each day opening the pelvis, we...

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3 Causes of Painful PMS through the Lens of Ayurveda ayurveda cramps endocrine system heal your period holistic health how i healed pms menstrual cycle menstrual disorders pms womb healing womens health Jul 14, 2023

Ayurveda, the science of life, offers an ancient holistic approach to healing menstrual disorders

Through understanding our body, the connection to earth, food + movement, we find REAL solutions...

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How to Heal Painful Periods cramps heal your period holistic health hormones how to heal painful periods series menstrual cycle menstrual disorders motivation period pain pms womb healing womens health yoni Jul 14, 2023

How to heal painful periods


Understand your female reproductive system

Workout for only 20 mins at a time 

Heal surpressed sxxxual trauma

Make peace with your femininity

Create safety...

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6 Tips to Heal Menstrual Cramps Naturally cramps holistic health hormones menstrual cycle menstrual disorders Jul 13, 2023

I believe that menstruation is THE most powerful time of the month for women to harness their intuitive energy, slow down and receive wisdom. It’s the time that we are gifted the most potent...

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LIVE ONLINE EVENT October 10th-13th, 2024

3 day ayurvedic cleanse to heal painful periods, jumpstart your metabolism and balance your hormones. Comes with a free course on everything you need to know, giveaways, coaching and a community of support. 

Register for free for this online event

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Tools to heal your period naturally 🌸